Wednesday 15 July 2015

Lord of the Flies (LOTF) PPT Introduction

"Lord of the Flies is "an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature."  WILLIAM GOLDING

Now that you have looked through and read Chapter One, The Sound of the Shell, carefully, look at the ppt presentation Lord of the Flies, created by a school teacher Lina Ell. It provides you with important links on concepts and symbolism that are found in Chapter One itself. This would be useful for your lesson on 22 July 2015.

After going through this presentation and close reading of chapter one, you will also do the following:

Examine the characters of Ralph, Jack OR Piggy in terms of what they possess that link them with their past lives, and what their emerging roles on the island are. Is there any indication which of these characters may be advancing more rapidly towards savagery than the others? Support your conclusion.

Make notes in your notebook and you can refer to it in our discussion of chapter one Sound of the Shell in class.

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